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Vocal coach Masterclass

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4th and 5th of March

Recording Session

Are you a singer looking to take your vocal abilities to the next level?


En Vivo Latino is hosting a 2-days Vocal Coach Masterclass in London on 4th and 5th March 2023.


Join us and learn the essential techniques to master your singing style!

On day one of the workshop, you'll get personalised instructions from industry professionals, giving you the knowledge and skills you need to improve your vocal range, pitch and power.







On day one of the workshop, you'll get personalised instructions from industry professionals, giving you the knowledge and skills you need to improve your vocal range, pitch and power.



9:30 to 12:30: Morning session

12:30 to 13:30 Lunch Break

13:30 to 16:30. Afternoon session


Morning session

Group workshop with Francesca Ficara, a renowned Italian vocal coach who will talk and explain with practical examples the following topics:


  • Good Breath Support.

  • Developing Your Vocal Sound.

  • Anatomy/Health.

  • Developing an effective practice routine.

  • Simple Melodic Embellishment.

  • Effective Diction for Singing.

  • Singing Harmony.


Afternoon session

Group workshop with Francesca Ficara and Jamy


  • Vocal fitness.


As a singer, being on stage

takes physical endurance,

which is why you need both

vocal and physical training.

Our vocal fitness training

combines the two and

focuses on a variety of

exercises that help develop

the vocal cords and prepare them for vigorous exercises. This includes breathing techniques, vocal warm ups, cooldowns, and strengthening exercises.

Physical stamina training tasks the body in order to increase strength and improve performance on stage, think bootcamp-style workouts. Cardiovascular work, strength and endurance training, balance and core work, and sport specific training depending on the performance goals are all components.

These techniques and exercises, when paired together, will allow a singer to reach their full potential and successfully complete long arduous performances.



On day two you will have two full hours of one-to-one lesson with our experienced trainers.


One-to-one coaching on vocal techniques (1 hour)
Our experienced Vocal Trainer will help you guide to improve your singing skills.

Lesson Topics:

- Breath control
- Pitch recognition
- Tone development
- Embellishments
- Vocal range
- Song breakdown


One-to-one coaching on expression and stage performance (1 hour)

Our experienced instructor will help you to make an impact on stage: from Vocal modulation to body language to improvisation, this lesson will improve your stage presence.

Lesson Topics:

- Body language
- Tone and volume
- Improvisation
- Audience engagement
- Emotional connection
- Dynamic response




Need more 

Contact us!

Tel: 07715581601

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